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Navalny Extracts Confession From Dominic Cummings

Russian opposition figurehead Alexei Navalny has tricked Brexit-mastermind Dominic Cummings into admitting that he was not 'going for an eye test' when breaching his COVID isolation earlier this year. "I just love castles," he revealed.

Navalny extracted the confession from Cummings - UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's former chief advisor - during a series of prank phone calls, exclusively leaked to Le Chou.

Cummings took little cajoling and immediately fessed up to the crime, reportedly confident in the knowledge that there will be no punishment whatsoever, in line with UK government official policy.

Russia's opposition icon - a bitter rival of Vladimir Putin who was nearly killed by nerve agent poisoning - also asked for some tips from Cummings about fixing referendums to get the desired result. However, the recording cuts out at that point.

Navalny also taped Ursula von der Leyen revealing she had a crush on Boris Johnson while they were at school together and Emmanuel Macron admitting that he was the jet-skier who made the infamous Scotland-Isle of Man crossing, as reported by Le Chou previously.


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